Hey Ma.. Look, I'm Bloggin'!


My first ever blog entry. *cue thunderous applaud for me self :)
I guess it's never too late for anything, huh?  Anyhooo.... I would like to lay a subtle reminder for myself. Shazwani, there is a possibility that this blog will never be viewed by a single soul, apart from yourself and those handful of your peers that are hunted down and harassed by you to check out your syok-sendiri blog. Ah well... Here's to many published post to come. Cheers people. :)

2 Responses to “Hey Ma.. Look, I'm Bloggin'!”

  1. cheers mate! why don't you write about your frustrations at your workplace and what can be done about it or just for the sake of sharing? do tell!

  2. shazwani says:

    hahahha... I should have a specific section at the side just to list out the objective for the establishment of this blog site.

    Objective #1 : To serve as a platform to vent out my utter, unmaintainable Anger, Hatred and pure Bitterness towards my status quo - my current job. I Hate It Here.

    Ahhh people, do brace yourself... :)

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